
Start the Conversation

The regulator’s role in a world divided by distributed generation.

A state utility commissioner urges her colleagues to begin planning now for distributed generation – before it’s too late.

A Call for Consolidation

Electric utility mergers loom as the next step in restructuring.

The electric utility industry is inefficient: the firms are too small, lacking economies of scale achievable through mergers and acquisitions.

Peril at Home

We could see 11-22GW of nuclear facing early retirement in the next 10 years.
The existing U.S. nuclear fleet, representing 100GW or 20% of our electric generation, is in economic peril and in danger of declining even more rapidly than expected.

Nuclear At a Crossroads

Wind, nuclear, and gas resources must work together – not at cross-purposes.

Why the U.S. must maintain current levels of nuclear energy production to achieve carbon reduction goals.

Wind Power Subsidies

Today, tomorrow, forever?

NREL contradicts AWEA, finds wind power not competitive, and favors extending the production tax credit (PTC), but that won’t aid economic growth.

Reliability vs. Resiliency

Prevent problems, or wait and respond when something happens?

FERC holds conference on electric reliability, asks about standards for resiliency – not just to prevent problems, but how to respond once they occur.

From ISO to DSO

Imagining a new construct – an independent system operator for the distribution network.

A new utility industry construct – the Distribution System Operator (DSO) – could help maximize the benefits of distributed energy resources.

Waiting for the Next Polar Vortex

How recent events could prove a harbinger of winters to come.

The winter of 2013-14 offered up a perfect storm of natural gas price spikes and threats to electric reliability. Expect more of the same.

The Powhatan Matter

Market manipulation versus the right to make a profit.

Harvard professor Bill Hogan claims FERC is wrong to find market manipulation where traders simply make profits on market defects known to all.