
2014 Utility Regulators' Forum

Diversifying Utility Regulation: State regulators voice opinions as mixed as the nation’s geography.

Interviews with public utility commissioners from key states – New York, California, Maryland, and Georgia – on coal carbon, climate, and the revolution in retail. What they’re thinking. What they’re planning.

Germany's Energiewende

Lessons learned for U.S. utilities – drawn from first-person fact-finding.

Policy experts travel to the continent to get a first-hand view on the lessons the U.S. utilities should take away from Germany’s rush to renewables.

FERC's Folly

Remand Order 745, fix the compensation scheme, but retain federal jurisdiction.

Why the D.C. Circuit should rehear the appeal of FERC Order 745, and how it should rule.

The Powhatan Matter

Market manipulation versus the right to make a profit.

Harvard professor Bill Hogan claims FERC is wrong to find market manipulation where traders simply make profits on market defects known to all.


EPSA v. FERC: How the court went wrong on demand response.

The court’s ruling in EPSA v. FERC assigns a retail/wholesale dichotomy to demand response, but is that distinction even meaningful?

Partnership, Not Preemption

How state-sponsored planning can fit with FERC’s capacity markets.

FERC-approved capacity markets and state-sponsored resource planning serve different needs. The one shouldn’t pre-empt the other.

Innovation Mandate

Meeting the just-and-reasonable standard in a time of change.

Who can say for sure if markets are working? The landscape keeps shifting.

Hidden Predictability

Mining price signals in Ontario’s electricity market.

Hourly spot prices in Ontario power markets reveal no particular pattern – that is, unless you plot the price as a monthly average.

CEO Forum: Facing the Future

Three CEOs, three business models, one shared outlook.

Cheap gas, regulatory uncertainties, and a technology revolution are re-making the U.S. utility industry. Top executives at three very different companies—CMS, NRG, and the Midwest ISO—share their outlook on the industry’s transformative changes.