Retail Rate Subsidies - Recent Cases

Fortnightly Magazine - March 15 1996
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Nearly every major rate case over the past several years focuses some attention on removing subsidies running between rate classes. What follows is a list of recently published major rate orders and generic investigations in which state regulators address the issue of a residential rate subsidy.


Re Alabama Power Co., 162 PUR4th 171 (Ala.P.S.C. 1995)


Re Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co., a division of Noram Energy Corp., 160 PUR4th 459 (Ark.P.S.C. 1995).


Re Public Service Co. of Colorado, 164 PUR4th 306 (Colo.P.U.C. 1995).


Re Local Distribution Companies' Cost of Service Study Methodologies, 163 PUR4th 233 (Conn.D.P.U.C. 1995).


Re Potomac Electric Power Co., 162 PUR4th 417 (D.C.P.S.C. 1995).


Re Hawaii Electric Light Co., Inc., 159 PUR4th 645 (Hawaii P.U.C. 1995).


Re Idaho Power Co., 161 PUR4th 18 (Idaho P.U.C. 1995).




Re Commonwealth Edison Co., 158 PUR4th 458 (Ill.C.C. 1995).



Re IES Utilities, Inc., 162 PUR4th 388 (Iowa U.B. 1995).




Re Louisville Gas and Electric Co., Case No. 10320, Dec. 8, 1995 (Ky.P.S.C.).




Re South Central Bell, 160 PUR4th 1 (La.P.S.C. 1995).

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