
Fortnightly Magazine - June 15 1997
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The California Public Utilities Commission elected members to two boards overseeing energy efficiency and low-income programs. The board for energy efficiency programs members are: Acting Chair Sara Steck Myers, CEERT; Dave Gamson, CPUC commissioner advisor; Michael Messenger, California Energy Commission; Peter Miller, Natural Resources Defense Council; Mark Thayer, San Diego State University; Ortensia Lopez, Greenlining Institute; Charles Goldman, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; Michael Shame, UCAN; and Don Schultz, CPUC Office of Ratepayer Advocates. Low-income programs board members are: Acting Chair Diana Brooks, CPUC Office of Ratepayer Advocates; Geoff Meloche, CPUC consumer services division; Susan Brown, Latino Forum; Yole Whiting, SDG&E; Henry Knawls, Los Angeles County Community Action Agency; Maggie Cuadros, North Peninsula Neighborhood Services Center; and Nancy Brockway, National Community Law Center.

Steve P. Eschbach of Yankee Energy was promoted from cash management and investor relations manager to investor relations and economic development director. Eschbach joined Yankee Energy in 1990.

The New England Power Pool hired James Sinclair, former public affairs director for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp., as its governmental affairs and public information manager.

Paul L. Wattelet succeeds the retired Eugene V. Abraham as chairman at Sargent & Lundy. Wattelet also will maintain his current position as president/CEO.

UtiliCorp's Aquila Energy promoted John Shealy to gas sales and marketing president/g.m., from v.p. of corporate development at UtiliCorp.

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