Neptune and the Northeast
What a merchant transmission line
could bring to the table.
It' s been a couple of busy weeks in the transmission arena back at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
On July 12, it herded the transmission owners into a big corral, where New England, New York, and PJM independent system operators would join forces to create a single, super-RTO (regional transmission organization). Then, two weeks later on July 25, it set the proposed Neptune transmission project loose in that corral. The sponsors of the Neptune project, known formally as the Neptune Regional Transmission System, would build a 4800-megawatt high-voltage direct current (DC) transmission network, connecting Atlantic Canada with NEPOOL, the New York Power Pool, and PJM.
Neptune and the Northeast
What a merchant transmission line <br> could bring to the table<font color="000066" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">.
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