Fortnightly Magazine - April 2016

Electricity, Economic Efficiency and Growth

Building a fully integrated grid is the next great opportunity to realize higher levels of economic efficiency and prosperity.

A cost benefit analysis in electricity typically achieves assessment of future costs but usually considers only a single type of benefit: operational cost savings.

Ti: The Transmission Line Inspection Robot

Managing Overhead Transmission Lines

EPRI developed Ti, a robot capable of crawling over conductor shield wires and harvesting power from ambient energy sources to support autonomous, high-fidelity condition assessment.

Today's NASUCA

To ensure reliable and affordable service remains a primary focus.

NASUCA continues to bring the consumer advocate message to Washington D.C. Most recently it filed a letter in opposition to a U.S. Senate energy bill (S. 2012) amendment, King-Reid #3120. The letter voiced concerns about a move to federally institutionalize full net metering.

Just Ducky

If you provide free storage and distribution services, too much will be used, and costs for everyone else will go through the roof(top).

The neck of the Duck Curve gets longer every year due to California’s energy policies.

Framing Virtual Reality

What’s old is truly new again.

Virtual reality – a fully immersive, all-encompassing experience – has, for decades, captured the imagination of science fiction writers and tech innovators alike. How will this technology change the way we communicate or transact business?

Are Utilities and Government Skimping on R&D?

The future of the energy sector and environment is at stake.

Public utility regulation has a role to play in stimulating R&D by energy utilities. Studies have confirmed that social returns on R&D are much greater than private returns, evidence supporting government involvement (e.g., via funding or performance) in R&D.

FERC v. Ohio

Will the Feds weigh in on the great Buckeye brawl?

Ohio ratepayers could prosper if natural gas prices rise in the next few years, boosting revenues when the utilities resell into PJM markets.

Illicit Marketing Practices

State PUCs take aim at unscrupulous electric and gas suppliers.

We’ll cover state PUC rulings from New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Ohio, dealing with 1) billing overcharges, 2) deceptive promises of savings, 3) faulty enrollment practices, 4) “slamming,” 5) misleading sales scripts used in telemarketing, 6) hidden fixed charges, and 7) concealed pass-through clauses.

Play Ball. Electrically.

May 24, 1935: FDR pressed a gold telegraph key, and Crosley Field’s eight light towers turned on night baseball.

General Electric and Cincinnati Gas & Electric (now Duke Energy) designed and installed the light towers for the first night baseball game. Engineers painstakingly determined the tower positions.