Fortnightly Magazine - May 2018

In Diversity There is Energy

Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion. Glorious Additions to the Strings

Diverse teams tend to be more curious, dynamic, creative. Groupthink is less likely, anticipating the unanticipated, more likely.

Energy's Spend and Workplace Diversity

Why leaders drive diversity

Economists can show how buyers benefit when there is a broader pool of sellers competing with each other. This is true whether a buyer is a family looking for a restaurant meal or a utility seeking a new hire or a contractor. In the following nine conversations with utility execs and regulators and others in our industry, we heard again and again how diversity spend and diversity in the workplace increases competition and rewards companies and their consumers. Check out what leaders at Duke Energy, Exelon/BGE, Sempra/SDG&E, etc. told us about why they drive diversity:

Diversity: Carmen Cintron

FERC's Chief Law Judge

"I’m very proud of FERC and I’m very proud of working here because I’ve seen, as time has progressed, what an improvement they have made."

Diversity: Scott Drury

San Diego Gas & Electric's President

"In 2017, our company spent $703 million with diverse suppliers, more than 44% of our total procurement."

Diversity: Telisa Toliver

Chevron Pipe Line's VP

"You must work with minority and women-owned businesses to sustain mutually beneficial business partnerships."