Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 2018

Innovators Innovate

Nominations Rolled In

The November issue of PUF is a double, so you'll want to make sure you also see the Fortnightly Innovators Special Issue announcing our innovation award winners. We were thrilled to have over seventy nominations for the 2018 innovation awards, and all of them were intriguing.

A Modern Rate Architecture for California's Future

Enabling the IOUs to be Effective Change Agents

Pacific Gas and Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison have developed a new framework for customer rates that reflects the changing dynamics of the electric power industry and customer choice.

Electrification 2018: Garrett Blaney

Looking Back and Looking Forward

In Europe, electrification is an obvious solution to the carbon-emission and renewable energy challenges in the heating, cooling and transport sectors.

Electrification 2018: Lee Ragsdale

Looking Back and Looking Forward

We see beneficial electrification as an important part of how electric cooperatives across our state can work together to build a brighter energy future for our consumer-members.