cost allocation

Making Sense of Peak Load Cost Allocations

Usage of utility services is rarely uniform across the day, month, or year. Dramatic increases in loads often appear at particular times of the day or in particular seasons of the year. Telephone utilities may choose not to meet extreme peak demands, but electric, natural gas, sewer, and water utilities usually do not enjoy that option. Failure to meet peak demands can lead to catastrophic consequences for both the customer and the utility, and can draw the attention of regulators.

Pool Adds Transmission Distance Rate

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has amended the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) agreement, adding a distance-based transmission service charge for short-term transmission services provided by MAPP members (Docket No. ER94-1529-000). Previously, MAPP members provided reciprocal short-term transmission services to each other, charging only for transmission losses.

MAPP wants to apply a distance-based transmission charge for wholesale coordination transactions of four years or less between pool members.

1994--The Year in Review

We begin the new year with a recap of the major rulings issued last year by state public utility commissions (PUCs).

Electricity took center stage as state commissioners began in earnest to examine rising competition in the power generation market. The seemingly endless number of privately sponsored seminars, conferences, and reports on the issue might suggest that regulators are following rather than leading on policy.

PoolCo vs. Bilateral Markets?

Vikram S. Budhraja

Vice President of Planning and Technology

Southern California Edison Co.

The transition to a competitive generation marketplace is underway. Customers want choices, flexibility, and competitive prices. Producers want open nondiscriminatory access to markets. Regulators want a smooth transition to the new system based on competitive efficiency, not cost-avoidance or cost-shifting among customer groups. And policymakers want a system that protects consumers without sacrificing environmental and energy policy objectives.