From ISO to DSO
Imagining a new construct – an independent system operator for the distribution network.
Imagining a new construct – an independent system operator for the distribution network.
Eight key ‘plays’ to alter how work is managed and performed.
Ventyx, an ABB company, joined an initiative to create one of the world's smartest electricity networks, part of a development project entitled Smart Grid Gotland. As part of the project, Ventyx will deploy a comprehensive distribution system optimization solution encompassing network control, demand response management, demand forecasting and business analytics to support the project, enabling large quantities of wind and other renewable and distributed energy sources to be integrated into the grid.
EPSA v. FERC: How the court went wrong on demand response.
The court’s ruling in EPSA v. FERC assigns a retail/wholesale dichotomy to demand response, but is that distinction even meaningful?
Accenture and Siemens completed the formation of a joint venture company called OMNETRIC Group. OMNETRIC Group will bring together Siemens' smart grid products and solutions; Accenture's management and technology consulting, systems integration and managed-services capabilities.
New England’s proposed capacity market reform would force generators to ‘Be There or Else.’
Producing value with advanced distribution management systems.
Is the current regulatory compact in anyone’s best interests?
A more dynamic approach to grid modernization.
How to find a future that works.