Unsung Role of Fossil Fuels in the Miracle of U.S. Growth
Past, Present, and Future, Part I
Past, Present, and Future, Part I
Expect more analysis – more scenarios, more detail – as state compliance plans become better known.
EPA’s rule said to favor repurposing and recycling – over landfills or disposal ponds.
New energy economy also relies on some old fossil friends.
New England’s proposed capacity market reform would force generators to ‘Be There or Else.’
Superstorm disruption calls for a new utility architecture.
Only behavioral change will reduce energy consumption.
Standards and technology don't reduce energy consumption, despite the claims of efficiency zealots. Real energy savings only come through behavioral change.
Engineers and constructors adapt to serve an industry in transition.
From gas pipelines to PV arrays, the nation’s contractors are seeing growth in utility infrastructure. Fortnightly talks with executives at engineering and construction firms to learn what kinds of projects are moving forward, where they’re located, and what lies over the horizon.