Western Energy Imbalance Market Design Gets Approval from ISO Board

The design framework for a California Independent System Operator (ISO) energy imbalance market (EIM) received approval from the ISO board of governors. The EIM will allow western grid operators, known as “balancing authorities”, to voluntarily participate in a real-time energy market that enhances grid reliability and responsiveness, effectively integrates renewable power and saves wholesale energy costs. The ISO’s first EIM partner, PacifiCorp, has been working with the ISO to prepare for implementing the market expected to go live on October 1, 2014.

California Public Utilities Commission Approves Flexible Capacity Framework

Citing changes in the regional electric market related to the mandated addition of renewable generating facilities, and alluding to such other factors as tightened water resource regulations and the possibility of merchant power plant shut-downs, the California Public Utilities Commission has approved an interim “flexible capacity” framework as a further component of its annual Resource Adequacy (RA) requirements process.

Rise of the Machines

Who’s afraid of the transactive grid?

Smart grids and nodal markets spark the emergence of a transactional grid. In fact it’s already happened, and we’re just becoming aware.

FERC Approves Implementation for ISO-PacifiCorp Energy Imbalance Market

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the implementation agreement between the California Independent System Operator (ISO) and PacifiCorp that establishes the scope and schedule for a variety of tasks the parties will undertake to launch an energy imbalance market (EIM) by October 2014. Among its provisions, the implementation agreement sets out procedures for PacifiCorp to pay the ISO a $2.1 million fixed start-up fee to enable PacifiCorp to participate in the ISO’s existing energy imbalance market.

ISO 50001: Busy Work or Revolution?

Supporting continuous improvement in energy management processes.

By promoting the ISO 50001 energy management standard to industrial customers, utilities can increase loyalty, encourage efficiency, and support industrial growth.

Build to Order

Engineers and constructors adapt to serve an industry in transition.

From gas pipelines to PV arrays, the nation’s contractors are seeing growth in utility infrastructure. Fortnightly talks with executives at engineering and construction firms to learn what kinds of projects are moving forward, where they’re located, and what lies over the horizon.

Transmission Owners Join MISO

MISO’s board of directors approved the applications of four new transmission-owning members: Cleco Power, Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government, Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, and Prairie Power. As a fully integrated transmission-owning member of MISO, each will participate in MISO’s competitive energy markets and system planning and operating functions.

Bill Hogan, Unbundled

A candid commentary on current topics in electric restructuring.

A no-holds-barred interview with the electric industry’s chief architect of wholesale electric market design.

Vendor Neutral

Calpine signs PPA with Public Service Company of Oklahoma; TransCanada and Ontario PowerAuthority agree to develop 900-MW gas-fired power plant; Panda selects Siemens to build combined-cycle plant; Progress Energy retires coal plants dating from 1923; Southern Company and Turner acquire 30-MW PV project; PSO begins smart meter pilot rollout; Southern California Edison contracts with Corix to install smart meters; Iberdrola USA hires Burns and McDonnell to review grid infrastructure. Plus contracts and announcements from Itron, eMeter, Echelon, Quanta Services, DNV, Metadigm, Landis+Gyr, and others.

Federal Feud

The jurisdictional battle rages on, with FERC and EPA squaring off against the states.

When Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led an attack on the federal Springfield Armory in January 1787—the spark that ignited the federalist movement—he scarcely could’ve guessed that now, 225 years later, his spiritual descendants would still be fighting that very same battle.