New York ISO

Reinventing the Grid

How to find a future that works.

The traditional central-station grid is evolving toward a more distributed architecture, accommodating a variety of resources spread out across the network. An open and thoughtful planning approach will allow an orderly transition to an integrated system – while fostering innovation among a wider range of industry players.

Bundled against Change

Mississippi draws a line in the sand.

"We view the [Entergy-ITC] transaction [as] an attempt to extract excess value."-Mississippi PSC

Yankee Retreat

A confluence of factors contributed to the Vermont Yankee shutdown decision, but a key driver was the very design of the Northeast power markets. Policymakers considering reform should take the long view, and ensure that price signals reflect market demands for energy, capacity, and resource diversity.
A confluence of factors contributed to the Vermont Yankee shutdown decision, but a key driver was the very design of the Northeast power markets. Policymakers considering reform should take the long view, and ensure that price signals reflect market demands for energy, capacity, and resource diversity.

Unleash the Genie

Former FERC Commissioner Bill Massey says we shouldn't bottle the genie of competition as Fortnightly author Doug Jones advocated in May 2013. Instead, he says, the genie's shackles should be removed so market forces can produce maximum efficiency and value for customers.

CEO Forum: Facing the Future

Three CEOs, three business models, one shared outlook.

Cheap gas, regulatory uncertainties, and a technology revolution are re-making the U.S. utility industry. Top executives at three very different companies—CMS, NRG, and the Midwest ISO—share their outlook on the industry’s transformative changes.