DR & Conservation

DSM: Don’t Stop Maximizing

Useful analytics to improve program performance.

Turning interval meter data into analytics to improve program performance for demand-side management.

How to Build a Fence (and When)

A formal methodology for developing ring-fencing arrangements and setting conditions.

How can decision makers determine the appropriate degree of ring-fencing for a utility holding company? The authors propose a systematic and objective method – recognizing business and financial risks specific to the regulated utility and its affiliates.

Disruption on Wall Street

Financial executives contemplate the rise of distributed resources.

In a January 2013 report, EEI said fast-growing distributed energy could undermine the utility business model. Wall Street is paying attention.

Smart Grid Dilemma

Concerned stakeholders seek an equitable cost-benefit ratio for all ratepayers.

Fairness in paying for grid modernization is an essential element for successful smart grid projects.

Impact on Market Behavior of Integrated Demand Side Resources

Significant penetrations of price elastic load and dispatchable demand response can introduce complex dynamics in the day ahead, hour ahead, and real time markets.

This sponsored, downloadable white paper presents an analysis of conditions for market stability and illustrates them with realistic simulations of energy markets.

Valuing Energy Efficiency

The search for a better yardstick.

Policy analysts are right to demand a reform of the total resource cost test. The evidence that it understates the benefits of energy efficiency, the main claim against it, is convincing.

ISO 50001: Busy Work or Revolution?

Supporting continuous improvement in energy management processes.

By promoting the ISO 50001 energy management standard to industrial customers, utilities can increase loyalty, encourage efficiency, and support industrial growth.

Economy of Small

How DG and microgrids change the game for utilities.

Energy microgrids have emerged as more than just a curiosity. The technology is improving, costs are falling, and developers are lining up to build projects. How will microgrids overcome the substantial challenges that stand in their way?

Energy Efficiency's False Hope

Only behavioral change will reduce energy consumption.

Standards and technology don't reduce energy consumption, despite the claims of efficiency zealots. Real energy savings only come through behavioral change.