The States

Corporate Services

British Columbia UC

A conversation with Executive Director of Corporate Services Viki Vourlis Fisher, Manager of Human Resources and Procurement Administrator Sheena Zyp, and Sr. Systems Architect, IT Luke Thompson.

Executive Directors

British Columbia UC

“We’re dealing with issues that can impact availability and reliability of energy such as environmental attributes like wildfires, emergency preparedness, resiliency, cybersecurity, and safety.”

Idaho PUC: Don Howell

Former Chief Deputy Attorney General

The General Counsel has to feel comfortable in that they have to tell the Commissioner sometimes bad news or what the law is in certain areas.

Idaho PUC: Marsha Smith

Former Commissioner and NARUC President

Staff is critically important, because Commissioners have to decide on a number of issues spanning all of the utilities, and Staff can be specialized and concentrate.

Idaho PUC: Diane Hanian and Adam Rush

Commission Secretary, Public Information Officer

The teleconference system’s a priority that’s got a lot of potential, especially with our audio video system that they built into our main hearing room.

Idaho PUC: Maria Barratt-Riley

Executive Director

With the Teams and the cloud functioning, people if they wanted to would be able to use other devices. They didn’t have to take home their desktops, but most did.