Strategy & Planning

NCSL's Take on the Elections

Election 2020

A conversation with National Conference of State Legislatures’ Kristy Hartman and Glen Andersen with PUF’s Editor-in-Chief Steve Mitnick and Tom Sloan, recently retired from the Kansas State legislature.

Election 2020, Now What?

Energy and Utilities’ Priorities

NCSL’s Take and Essays by Clint Vince and Andrew Shaw, Jan Vrins, Casey Herman, Joe Brannan, Mandy Olson, Zolaikha Strong, Clark Gellings and Ahmad Faruqui, Val Jensen, and Tanuj Deora.

EIP Impacting Energy

Energy Impact Partners

“We work with our utility partner’s organizations, and understand, is this a technology that is going to move the needle around growth, or around reducing O&M costs?”