
Fortnightly Magazine - July 15 1997
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EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

ABB Systems Control sold an OASIS gateway system to Cinergy Corp. The system is configured to communicate with the ECAR OASIS node, handling TTC and ATC calculations, transmission service requests and other required transmission path information. Cinergy also bought an ABB enhanced interchange scheduling system, ISplus(.

Northern State Power Co.'s Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant in Minneapolis, Minn. was expected to start up in July or August after a May 9 shutdown to correct a design problem. The shutdown of the 555-megawatt unit isn't expected to affect adversely the potential power supply shortage in eastern Wisconsin, where utilities have three nuclear generating units out of service. Those units were expected back on line in June. During the Monticello outage, NSP will give customers electricity generated at its other plants and through power purchases from other sources.

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