Concentrated Transmission Assets
Public Utilities Fortnightly and POWERdat®
Public Utilities Fortnightly and POWERdat®
Douglas M. Logan
The industry has moved beyond the debate.
Betsy Vaninetti
With a nascent emissions market, U.S. companies may not be so grateful they’re out of the club.
Jennifer Alvey
Not everyone in the industry runs at 100 percent capacity.
Connecting utility infrastructure and automobiles.
Steven E. Letendre, Ph.D., and Willett Kempton, Ph.D.
What can we learn from its failure?
Jennifer Alvey
Presenting an option to solving electric transmission congestion.
Ron Hrehor and Don Sytsma
Overcoming many obstacles, energy technology continues to have potential.
Philip Deutch
The 2002 rhetoric sounds like pro-electric competition, but is it too little, too late?
Richard Stavros
Robert A. Jablon and Alan J. Roth