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Fortnightly Magazine - January 1 2003
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Group president of Duke Energy's Energy Services, Harvey Padewer, has announced his resignation from the company, as has Jim Donnell, formerly president and chief executive officer of Duke Energy North America (DENA). Their resignations were part of organizational and management changes in the Energy Services and Gas Transmission divisions announced by Duke Energy President and Chief Operating Officer Fred Fowler on Dec. 4, 2002. The Energy Services group is being reorganized from a group structure into two major lines of business between international and merchant energy trading and marketing. This reorganization eliminates the group president roles from Duke Energy Transmission and Energy Services.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Michigan Public Service Commissioner David Svanda has been elected president of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). He also will continue as MPSC commissioner, a role he has served in since 1995. Svanda is a member of the Federal Communications Commission's Local and State Advisory Committee, past president of the Mid-American Regulatory conference, and an advisor to the MSU Institute of Public Utilities and the National Regulatory Research Institute.

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