Fortnightly Magazine - February 1 2020

Hawaii: Dean Nishina

Consumer Advocate

“There’s no organized group that intervenes on behalf of large industrial customers or large commercial customers. We are supposed to represent the interests of all of those consumers.”

Hawaii: Chris Lee

State Representative

“Today we are already well on the way to solving our energy problems. And if it can be done here, then it can be done elsewhere.”

NARUC's Gas Committee

Two Staff Subcommittees

Conversation with New York PSC commissioner and gas committee chair Diane Burman, plus comments by vice chairs, subcommittee chairs and vice chairs.

Meeting Innovation's Natural Challenges

Overcoming Headwinds

Over the last five years, utilities have successfully infused awareness of the pace of market change into their employees. Consequently, enhanced visibility is being directed to areas where critical innovation is necessary to ensure business success.