Fortnightly Magazine - April 2020

Washington State UTC: Transportation and Rail Safety

Directors and Managers

“If a major incident occurs, we get Staff on-site quickly, begin assessing and investigating the scene, and relaying relevant information back to headquarters. It’s a team effort with field Staff taking a lead role.”

Washington State UTC: Kathleen Drew

Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council

“Unlike other siting entities across the country, there are two differences. One is that we also have oversight of construction and of the operation of the facility through its life and decommissioning. That’s quite different. The other is that we recommend approval or rejection to the Governor and the Governor makes the final decision on the facilities.”

Roundtable on Broadband

NRECA Annual Meeting

A conversation with the CEOs of Central Virginia Electric Coop., Guadalupe Valley Electric Coop., Jo-Carroll Energy, and Tri-County Rural Electric Coop.

Roundtable on FERC's Minimum Offer Price Rule

NRECA Annual Meeting

A conversation with the CEOs of East Kentucky Power Coop., Ohio's Electric Coop., and Old Dominion Electric Coop. along with Vice Presidents from East Kentucky Power Co-op and North Carolina Electric Membership Corp.

FERC's MOPR Dissected

Capacity Markets Once Again

Is it reasonable that Renewable Portfolio Standards reduce capacity prices? Almost all industry experts would argue the opposite.

Innovation-Investment Nexus, Part 1

Accelerating the Future

EIP’s investments are creating the tools necessary for the industry to implement a cleaner, safer, more affordable, customer-centric future.