

New Positions:

New Positions:

Martin Crotty and Dr. Soumen Ghosh joined SeaWest WindPower Inc. as senior vice president of operations and maintenance, and senior product manager of data services, respectively. Most recently, Crotty was director of operations for the Western Region of NRG Energy. Ghosh spent more than five years at ABB System Control and more than nine years at CMC.


The appropriate role for ITCs is rather different-and maybe not as exciting-as the role ITC proponents seem to have in mind.


Independent transmission companies have a role in creating public benefit in wholesale competitive electricity markets.

People (June 1, 2002)

Former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton has joined the board of directors of E2I. The National Hydropower Association presented Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) with its Legislator of the Year award . The New York Power Authority honored Shalom Zelingher, director, and Misak Krikorian, senior engineer, of the research and technology development unit of NYPA. And others ...

People (March 15, 2002)

E2I appointed Richard H. Counihan as vice president of research programs. The MAPP management committee elected its executive committee members. The Energy Distribution Group of NiSource Inc., recently announced a management realignment. And others ...

People for July 15, 2001

Gordon van Welie recently was appointed president and CEO of ISO New England Inc. CMS Energy Corp. elected David G. Mengebier as senior vice president of governmental and public affairs. PSEG Global recently named George P. Schaefer as senior vice president of financing and treasurer. FERC announced the appointment of its newest commissioners. And others...

How Soon They Forget

The case against re-regulating the electric industry.

Restructuring has already created a badly needed new atmosphere for the industry. There is an infusion of new thinking and vigor that portends bringing the industry's performance up to the standards of the rest of the economy. We have no reason to believe that regulation would fare better in the future than in the past. Let's go forward with electric restructuring. Unfortunately, however, it's turning out to be more difficult than we expected.

The Choice Not to Buy: Energy $avings and Policy Alternatives for Demand Response

What California would have saved-in real dollar figures-plus a look at pilot programs from around the country.

1 Also cited as contributing factors are the lack of long-term contracting, operating problems in the ISO and power exchange (PX) markets, and suggestions that owners of generation took advantage of the supply shortage and the design of California's wholesale power markets to exercise market power to drive prices higher.


DC power makes a comeback in this vision of neighborhood grids and fuel cells on wheels.


Engineers Have Their Day