PUF's Where's Energy

May’s Electric Rates

The Feds published May’s Consumer Price Index last week and it brought more good news for electric consumers. While the overall CPI for all goods and services rose 1.8 percent from May 2018, the electric CPI fell 0.2 percent. That’s a two percent difference between the overall and electric CPI.

Additionally, average weekly earnings rose 2.8 percent. So that’s a three percent difference between average earnings and the electric CPI. Electric rates falling behind consumer prices generally and earnings is a very good thing.

A Day At & Visiting

Can you guess what’s our favorite thing to do at Public Utilities Fortnightly? Well, it’s going to a state utility commission, interviewing just about everybody in sight, taking a bunch of photos, and creating A Day At cover article.

You all seem to love these too. The interviews uniquely show the behind-the-scenes of utility regulation and honor many of the unsung heroes dedicated to protecting and advancing the public interest.

Gas in U.S. Powerplants Not the Problem

Have you noticed the increasing commentary, claiming natural gas in U.S. powerplants is a climate change problem that must be combatted? My reaction is, oh, come on.

One can respond, firstly, that the substitution of natural gas plants for coal plants has produced enormous reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. Or one can respond, secondarily, that the flexibility of natural gas plants is making it feasible to rapidly expand zero-emission wind and solar.

Gas substitutes for coal. Not wind and solar. More on this dynamic next week.