
Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 1996
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Vera B. Claussen has been elected the first female president in the American Public Power Association's 56-year history. Claussen is commissioner of Public Utility District Number Two of Grant County in Euphrata, WA. Other new APPA officers include president-elect Thaine J. Michie, g.m., Platte River Power Authority, Fort Collins, CO; and vice president Walter R. McGrath, g.m., Braintree, MA, Electric Light Department.

The United States Energy Association has three new officers: P.J. "Jim" Adam, chairman/CEO of Black and Veatch, is association chairman; Archie W. Dunham, president/CEO of Conoco, Inc., is first vice chairman; and John M. Derrick, Jr., president/COO of Potomac Electric Power Co., is second vice chairman.

R. Gerald Bennett (em formerly president and CEO of Brooklyn Union Gas Co. subsidiary Fuel Resources, Inc. (em has joined Equitable Resources, Inc. (ERI) as senior v.p. Bennett will also serve as president of ERI Supply & Logistics. Other changes: John C. Gongas, Jr., v.p.-corporate operations, will also serve as president of ERI Utilities; A. Mark Abramovic becomes senior v.p. and CFO; Gregory R. Spencer becomes senior v.p. and chief administrative officer; Jeffrey C. Swoveland becomes v.p.-finance and treasurer; and Craig G. Goodman becomes v.p.-regulatory affairs and public policy. Johanna G. O'Loughlin has joined ERI as deputy general counsel.

CMS Electric and Gas Co. has promoted Frank Johnson to v.p. of energy distribution and to g.m. of Argentina's EDEER utility. Johnson was Consumer Power Co.'s executive manager for electric business support.

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