New Opportunities: Chesapeake Utilities named Michael P. McMasters president and CEO, due to the planned retirement Jan. 1, 2011 of CEO John R. Schimkaitis.

Duke Energy appointed Doug Esamann president of its Indiana service region. Esamann was interim president since October 12. He replaces Mike Reed, who, according to Associated Press reports, was dismissed upon conclusion of an ethics inquiry into Reed’s previous role on the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. Duke dismissed attorney Scott Storms as a result of the same inquiry.
American Transmission named John Flynn v.p. of business development, a newly created position.
Allen Nye joined Oncor as senior v.p. and general counsel. Nye is a partner at the Dallas office of Vinson & Elkins.
FirstEnergy Corp. promoted Kevin Burgess to assistant controller. He was assistant controller, FirstEnergy Utilities. Jon Taylor, formerly manager, financial reporting and technical accounting at FirstEnergy Utilities, was promoted to Burgess’s previous position.