New Opportunities: Entergy Corp. named Daniel Turton v.p. of federal governmental affairs. Turton was most recently a deputy assistant to the president for legislative affairs and the President’s primary liaison with the House of Representatives.

Alliant Energy’s board of directors elected Patricia Kampling to serve as president and COO. Previously Kampling served as Alliant Energy’s CFO. Thomas Hanson has been named CFO and Treasurer, succeeding Kampling.
PG&E appointed Lee Cox interim chairman and CEO, while the company seeks a successor to Peter Darbee, who resigned in late April. Cox is lead director on the PG&E board, and formerly was CEO of AirTouch Cellular, a predecessor company to Verizon Wireless.
First Wind hired Michael Witzing as senior v.p. of operations. Prior to joining First Wind, Witzing was at GenPower Services, where he was responsible for the management of the engineering and construction of power generation projects. Also First Wind promoted Pete Keel to senior v.p., strategy and investor relations. He previously was v.p., financial planning and director of project finance.