Vendor Neutral

Fortnightly Magazine - April 2010
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FEI Company, a diversified scientific instruments company providing electron and ion-beam microscopes and tools for nanoscale applications, completed a multiple system installation at the Materials Ageing Institute (MAI) in France, a utility-oriented research center financed by Electricite de France, the Tokyo Electric Power Co., the Kansai Electric Power Co. and the U.S. Electric Power Research Institute. The MAI microscopy laboratory has now commissioned its new FEI Titan Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) microscope, the most powerful commercially-available microscope in the world. The Titan joins the MAI’s FEI Tecnai S/TEM, Helios DualBeam and Quanta 600 Field Emission Gun (FEG) in one of the world’s premier microscopy facilities, where they will be used to study the aging of materials to improve the reliability and safety, and extend the lifetimes, of nuclear and non-nuclear power plants.

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