Energy Disconnect
Misguided policies threaten resource adequacy.
Resource planning is grinding to a halt. From EPA regulations to irrational markets, today’s policy missteps threaten tomorrow’s reliability.
People (August 2013)
Dominion Joins DOE Effort to Promote Workplace Charging for Electric Vehicles
Submitted by aburr on Wed, 2013-07-17 13:16Dominion is one of the first 48 companies to join the U.S. Department of Energy's workplace charging challenge, which is designed to help increase the number of U.S. employers offering workplace charging for electric vehicles. Dominion installed two separately metered electric vehicle charging stations as a pilot program at its Tredegar campus in downtown Richmond. The stations have two lockable power outlets used by employees who pay a monthly fee that covers the cost of electricity and gradually reimburses the company for the installation.
Transactions (May 2013)
Dominion agreed to buy three merchant power plants from Energy Capital Partners; First Solar acquired the 150 MW Solar Gen 2 project; Dynegy subsidiary Illinois Power Holdings will acquire Ameren Energy Resources and three subsidiaries; and others ...
People (May 2013)
New Opportunities: Ben Fowke, chairman, president and CEO of Xcel Energy, was named to a committee composed of CEOs from the utility and nuclear industries that will receive regular briefings from the FBI, National Security Agency, Department of Energy, and Department of Homeland Security to begin cooperative efforts on cybersecurity issues.
Build to Order
Engineers and constructors adapt to serve an industry in transition.
From gas pipelines to PV arrays, the nation’s contractors are seeing growth in utility infrastructure. Fortnightly talks with executives at engineering and construction firms to learn what kinds of projects are moving forward, where they’re located, and what lies over the horizon.