T&D and Pipelines

Williams Partners L.P. placed into service two expansions on its Transco natural gas pipeline, adding a combined 598,500 dekatherms per day of firm transportation capacity to serve markets in the southeastern United States. New service from the Mobile Bay South II expansion project created an additional 380,000 dekatherms per day of southbound firm transportation capacity on the Mobile Bay Lateral from Transco’s mainline at Station 85 near Butler, Ala., to its interconnect with Gulfstream Natural Gas System in Coden, Ala. The project cost approximately $35 million.
Great Plains Energy and Kansas City Power & Light (KCP&L) announced an agreement with Google and the City of Kansas City, Mo., to bring Google’s ultra high-speed fiber optic Internet service to residents and businesses in Kansas City. As part of the agreement, KCP&L will provide Google access to its poles, infrastructure and existing fiber network to deliver its ultra high-speed service. Deploying service over KCP&L’s existing infrastructure allows Google to reduce costs as well as time for engineering, permitting and construction.